Interactive Design | Function with Vision
Multimedia needs integral concepts and comprehensive project management. Interaction between designers and engineers is decisive for an effective result, even more so than for the design of printed matter.
BEGER DESIGN works with its own experts and the latest technology. Together we coordinate the integration of all design elements and contents and turn
them into websites, CD-ROMS, sales terminals, and presentations.
The consistent cooperation of product design, computer animation and graphic design within one company guarantees a consistent corporate identity for our customers with little effort.

phase 1 - Conception
Research for project / product
Analyse for target group
Research for production opportunities
Conception and Design draft I
Selection of Design draft

Phase 2 - Layout and Design
Detail elaboration
Draft variations
Ergonomics check
Design model
Coordination with client

Phase 3 - Implementation
Motion design
Media integration
Evaluation & Testing

Phase 4 - Master
Approval process
Publication (iBook / App-Stores)